Discuss Before You Think


Data processing 

Data processing involves manipulating and transforming raw data to generate meaningful insights or facilitate analysis.

Maximum Range/Analysis

Rs 2000                           

Data wrangling

Data wrangling is the process of cleaning, structuring, and organising raw data to make it suitable for analysis.

Maximum Range/Analysis

Rs 2000                           


A revision refers to the process of reviewing, editing, and making changes to figures/Analytics/reports previously created with the intention of improving it.

Maximum Range/Figure

Rs 50                        


Correction refers to the action or process of identifying and rectifying errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies in  figures/Analytics/reports previously created to ensure accuracy, clarity, and completeness in the final version of the work.

Maximum Range/Analysis


Regression Analysis

Maximum Range/Figure

Report :  Rs 600                           Voice : Rs 250 


ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is a statistical method used to compare means across multiple groups to determine if there are significant differences.

Maximum Range/Figure

Report :  Rs 600                           Voice : Rs 250 


ANACOVA (Analysis of Covariance) is a statistical technique that combines ANOVA and regression, allowing for the analysis of group differences while accounting for the influence of covariates

Maximum Range/Figure

Report :  Rs 600                           Voice : Rs 250 

Principal Componant Analysis

PCA is employed to analyze and reduce the dimensionality of multivariate ecological datasets, aiding in the identification of patterns, species associations, and environmental gradients while simplifying the interpretation of complex ecological relationships.

Maximum Range/Figure

Report :  Rs 3500

Voice : Rs 1500

Canonical Correspondence Analysis

CCA (Canonical Correspondence Analysis) in ecology assesses and visualizes relationships between species abundance and environmental variables to reveal ecological patterns and environmental influences on community structure.

Maximum Range/Figure

Report :  Rs 3500

Voice : Rs 1500

Wavelet decompositions 

Wavelet decompositions involve representing a signal or time series in terms of its constituent frequency components at different scales, using wavelet transforms, providing a multi-resolution analysis 

Maximum Range/Figure

Report :  Rs 2500

Voice : Rs 1750

Dynamic Time Warp

Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is a method for measuring similarity between time series by dynamically aligning and warping sequences to account for variations in timing and speed and this very useful for qulitative time series analysis

Maximum Range/Figure

Report :  Rs 1600

Voice : Rs 750

Time Series Analysis

A time series is a sequence of data points or observations collected or recorded over a time interval, typically at evenly spaced intervals, to represent and analyze variations or changes in a phenomenon over time

Maximum Range/Figure

Report :  Rs 1700

Voice : Rs 1000

Biwavelet Analysis

Biwavelet analysis is a technique extending wavelet transforms to bivariate signals, enabling the joint time-frequency analysis of two related signals and finding applications in fields such as geophysics and biomedical signal processing.

Maximum Range/Figure

Report :  Rs 2000

Voice : Rs 1000

Multiple linear Regressions

Multiple Regression Analysis is a statistical method used to examine the relationship between a dependent variable and two or more independent variables, allowing for the assessment of their combined effect on the dependent variable while controlling for each variable's individual impact.

Maximum Range/Figure

Report :  Rs 1600

Voice : Rs 750