Hi, I'm Midhun , a Biophysical Ecologist  from India.

Dr. Midhun Shah Hussain

A Researcher with strong analytical and experimentation skills gained through 8 years of observational oceanography, specialized in biophysical interactions of phytoplankton, seeking post-doctoral opportunities on transdisciplinary subjects associated with climate change and marine ecology

Skill Sets

Data science : Data processing, Data wrangling, visualizations, synthesis, Data acquisitions and piplining using baseplots, ggplot2 tidyverse, plyr , zoo, datapasta and dplyr
Programing : Basic & Advanced scripting, looping, function designing & Automation, Object oriented programming, empirical formulationsStatistics: Linear-nonlinear regressions, curve fittings, multivariate factor analysis such as PCA and CCA, dismilarity index, MDS, ANOVA, ANACOVA using stats, ade4 and drc
Reporting : Rmarkdown reports, R documentations, MS office direct exports, R presentation designs, pdftools, bookdown & thesisdown packages

Image processing: pixel extractions, pixel statistics, batch processing , filtering , rasterizations and shape analysis using packages ImageR, Momocs, raster and Magick

Geospatial Analysis: General mapping, 3D mapping, pixel extractions, Feature engineering, band stacking, projection corrections, Empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs)/Teleconnections (EOTs), Bathymetry analysis, depth profiling, reflectance spectra analysis, ocean colour (NASA/ESA) and raster interpolations using packages maps, maptools, raster, Rgooglemaps, sp,sf, leaflets and marmap.

Time series & wavelets: Time series visualizations, rolling means & smoothing, forecasting, Autoregression & moving average (ARIMA), biwavelet analysis, power spectrum analysis, wavelet coherence and dynamic time warp analysis using packages biwavelet, dplR,lubridate, stats and dtw

Machine Learning: Neural Nets, decision trees, gradient boosts, image detections support vector machines (SVM), Reinforcement learning, Deep learning & genetic algorithms using caret, nnets, neuralnets,random forests, svm, xgboosts and opencv

Interactive web applications & sensor interfaces: Web applications, remote servers, interactive maps, mobile optimized webapps, sensor data acquisitions and interfacing using shiny, leaflets, shinyMobile, shiny dashboards, Rduino & arduinor

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Data handling experience

Trained from Experts

Active Pet Projects